Nexus is the exoskeleton of scaled Scrum What is Nexus? Nexus is a framework that drives to the heart of scaling: cross-team dependencies and integration issues. It is an exoskeleton that rests on top of multiple Scrum Teams who work together to create an Integrated Increment. It builds on the Scrum framework and values. The result can be an effective development group of up to 100 people. For larger initiatives, there is Nexus+, a unification of more than one Nexus. Download The Nexus Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 keys to understand the Nexus Integration Team. By Jerónimo Palacios It’s all about solving dependencies Nexus is focused is solving the primary source of issues and problems when scaling beyond two Scrum Teams: dependencies . No matter how nvolved your corporate culture is or how wel...
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Product Owner The Product Owner role in LeSS is conceptually the same as in one-team Scrum. However, at scale the focus changes slightly toward keeping an overview and ensuring the maximum return on investment (ROI) in the product. Scaled Product Owner It’s common in large-scale product development for different people to pull in different directions and for subgroups to focus on local sub-optimizations. Maintaining one Product Owner with one Product Backlog supports whole-product focus . In traditional large-scale product groups, there’s a group (often product managers) that focuses outward and a group (usually developers) that focuses inward — and never the twain shall meet. In LeSS, the one Product Owner has lots of free time to focus outward on customers and their priorities while also being able to spend some time looking inwards to the teams. He acts as a connector, bringing teams and customers/users together so the teams become more customer focused . In contrast with...